The Madhusudan Institute of Co-operative Management (MICM) is one of the premier Management Institute of the state established in the year 1955-56.  The MICM is a unit of National Council for Co-operative Training (NCCT), New Delhi, being promoted by the Ministry of Co-operation, Government of India.  The basic objective of the Institute is to develop human resources for efficient management by organising various management training programmes.

The Institute visualizes its role as:

  • A catalyst for new ideas, concepts and skills for the progress of the Cooperative Movement in the State.
  • The primary provider of training and research-based consultancy in various areas of cooperative business. In addition it grooms the young graduates into managers.
  • An institution with proven capability to continuously upgrade its knowledge base with a view to meet the requirements of the cooperative sector of the State, through both sponsored and non-sponsored research and consultancy assignments.

From core curriculum of general management skills to advanced electives and seminars, our students have exceptional access to a preeminent faculty of thought leaders, all of whom teach in the MBA program.

MICM has 30+ faculty members, including visiting and adjunct faculty, who are actively engaged in classroom teaching, research, case writing and consulting.

We have defined four cornerstones to guide us – developing a top-notch training, research and teaching ecosystem, leveraging technology, creating a inclusive perspective, and infusing an entrepreneurial mind-set among our trainees and students.

The bedrock of a vibrant educational institution is a strong research and teaching ecosystem, which spawns powerful thought leadership and continually re-examines and renews curricula and teaching methods. Our faculty is actively exploring ways to enhance our research ecosystem.

We collaborate with various Departments of Government of Odisha and apex level cooperative Institutions for various research initiatives.

We are also deepening our commitment to entrepreneurship research, and to development of a stronger entrepreneurial ecosystem.

In addition to laying the foundations for our future success, we make a determined effort to contribute to national objectives by working with the government.

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